The Student Support System & Code of Behaviour are strongly linked in the College. We feel by creating an environment of care and support it encourages and reinforces good behaviour. This in turn creates a positive and safe environment for teaching and learning. This pastoral approach to student welfare forms a key philosophy in the College.
In Killarney Community College we endeavour through the Pastoral Care system to support the welfare of each student.
- Pastoral Care is the responsibility of all who are involved in the College
- Pastoral Care is strongly supported by the Year Head / Tutor System, mentoring, the Student Support Team, the Learning Support Team and the Academic Council.
- Over the course of the five years that your child is attending the College they have access to a wide range of support systems that can help in their personal, social and academic progress.
Year Head
Year heads are responsible for the welfare and academic progress of all students in their year group. Each year group within the school has a specific Year Head looking after their well being and academic progression.
A tutor is a teacher who meets the class every morning and checks that students are in full uniform, have their journal and marks the attendance. Tutors, along with the Year Heads, play a vital role in looking after student welfare in the College. Parents can make an appointment to speak with the tutor or the Year Head if they have concerns about their child’s academic or personal development.
Student Support Team
The purpose of the Student Support Team is to take a team approach amongst the service providers, for the care of the student in the College. The Student Support Team in the College consists of the Principal, Deputy Principal, Guidance Counsellor, Home School Community Liaison teacher, and all Year Heads. They meet every week to put in place relevant supports for students in need.
Senior students are trained as mentors for the new first year students. This is a great support for the students as relationships are forged between the seniors and new students in this process and it helps with the transition to the College.