Parents’ Council 2024/2025
The purpose of the Parents’ Council is to provide a structure through which the parents/guardians of children attending Killarney Community College can work together for the best possible education for their children. Their role is to work with the Principal, Deputy Principal, Teachers, Board of Management and Kerry ETB to promote the educational and general welfare of the pupils of the school and build effective partnership between home and school.
The Parents’ Council is involved in a number of activities during the year including consultation on policies, the Sixth Year Graduation, arranging talks of interest to parents and guardians, and fundraising.
Aims of the Parents’ Council
- For parents to have an active involvement in their child’s education
- To give parents an opportunity to collaborate on school initiatives.
- Build community: Strengthen the bond between families, staff, and the wider school community.
- Act as a voice for parents/guardians,
- Encourage active parent participation in promoting the well-being and interest of all pupils in the school,
- Promote parent networking and participation
- Ensure that parents/guardians are informed of developments and changes in the school
We actively encourage participation in our events and attendance at our meetings and are delighted to see new people and to hear new perspectives at any stage of the school year.
The committee holds its Annual General Meeting at the start of the school academic year and the election of the Parents’ Council takes place at this meeting.
We host our meetings in the school every term. If you are interested in joining the Parents’ Council, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
2024- 2025 Parents’ Council:
Chairperson: Soraya Lima
Parent Representatives on Board of Management: Charlotte Cronin and Liam Murphy