In 2013 a house system was introduced to the college. The purpose is to encourage full participation in school activities by all students. It enhances pupil teacher relationships as members of each house including teachers, work together to gain valuable points. It also plays a key part in the schools anti bullying strategy as senior students watch out for younger members and therefore it supports the schools positive code of behaviour.
The school is divided up into 5 vertical groups (Houses); Titans, Vikings, Spartans, Celts and Gaels; with a house head and an assistant house head leading the group. There are students from all year groups in each house and all teachers are also part of a house. Each house has 2 senior students elected as Captains who play a vital role in organizing events and liaising with the students in their house. Every house has its own identity with its own name, motto, colour and song.
Other benefits to the House System:
- Improves student leadership skills
- Creates unity and respect
- Develops friendships between year groups
- Fosters healthy competition amongst the houses
Whole school events/activities take place during the year in which each student/teacher can earn points for their house.
- Fun/Walk Run
- Dodge Ball Competition
- Whole School Quiz
- Spikeball Competition
- Sports Day & Paddy Olympics
- Pumpkin Carving Competition
- Art Competition
- Badminton Competition
There are also Class Competitions and Year Group Competitions. Teachers also reward students with House Tokens for showing initiative and for acts of kindness. Every day students can earn valuable house points for punctuality, correct uniform and possession of the school journal.
At the end of the year the house with the greatest number of points wins the title, the cup and the prize money, to be spent on a whole house fun activity.